May 2015 – December 2015

RES Foundation with the support of Heinrich Böll Foundation has executed the project called Monitoring Of Climate Policy In Serbia – “Quantifying Unintentional Abatement Costs – GHG Reduction Consequences Of Serbian Floods” whose overall aim was to support low-carbon development in Serbia and to encourage and inform public discussion on climate change and energy policy. The project delivered the following outputs:

  • Analysis on Biennial Update Report (BUR)
  • Analysis on Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC)
  • Provision of inputs for Second National Communication (SNC)
  • Stakeholder mapping and empowerment needs
  • Influencing the process of preparation of National climate change strategy and its table of contents.
  • Communication strategy

Part of the project activities was related to the active involvement of the identified target groups, i.e. local authorities and the business sector, and their contribution to the national climate strategy development process. RES Foundation reviewed potential modalities for cooperation through the prism of relevant stakeholders – local self-government. Results showed that the local level is very interested to be timely involved in the process of formulating a national climate policy and believes that it has the capacity to actively contribute. Thanks to the activities undertaken by the project, deficiency of the Climate Strategy have been identified and communicated with the partners in and outside the Republic of Serbia.