July 2016 – May 2017

The objective of the grant is to inform national energy and climate planning processes in general, and the process of the National Climate Change Strategy in particular on decarbonization options for the Serbian energy sector, through engagement with the academia and energy professionals.

Inclusive stakeholders’ consultation process led by RES foundation facilitated collection of academia and energy professionals’ attitudes, visions and knowledge. Knowledge, vision and attitudes of stakeholders communicated to the decision makers, abiding to the principle of inclusive policy making.

This principle is not a goal in itself but rather serves the purpose of improved climate change policy and enhanced national ownership of such policy. The inclusive, nationally owned policy is a policy that can be better implemented. Desk and field research, Call for Evidence and visioning workshops served to identify visions of academics and energy professionals on the future decarbonized energy sector in Serbia. At the same time, this process encouraged such thinking both among the target groups and the general public.